Maximizing the First Five Minutes of an Interview

When looking to have a big impact during an interview, the interview must begin by maximizing the first few moments of the interview. Here’s how to start strong – and a few tips on what not to do from real interviewers… THE INTERVIEW STARTS AS SOON AS YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE The start of an interview is not all about the first time you shake hands with the interviewer nor is it about you sitting down right across from the interviewer. Ensure that you are at your best the second you leave your house. Project a cool, calm, and collected demeanor that will not falter especially when it accidentally gets tested. What do we mean by this? You never know who you might bump into as you get off your bus or train, or enter the company’s building – for all you know, your interviewer could be in the same coffee shop in line for their morning brew as you are. That is why it’s best to make sure you project a friendly, confident, professional air from the moment you set off. Arrivin...