Interview types and skills interrelated

An interview is the kind of conversation take place between an employer and the candidate. This is a process to select the potential personnel and appoint them to the company or the organization. Whether for a fresher or an experienced candidate, everyone needs to face the interview table while seeking a job. Other than the academic certificate, the interviewer also looks in to certain other things like appearance of the candidate, fluency in language, grooming and so on. These can be considered as interview skill . There are different types of interview, where, a candidate needs to posse’s certain interview skill to crack it. Types of interview are interrelated with interview skill. For example, a candidate is having one on one conversation, and facing tricky questions like how do you rate yourself as potential candidate? While facing such question the candidate has to answer wisely. Let’s have a discussion on it – Interview skill is required to face any type of interview. In te...