What are the types of job interview?

 After completion of academic qualification, it is adream to every student to appear for job interviews. Accordingly, candidates start taking preparation by reading so many job interview books. Before any candidate appear for a job interview, it should be kept in mind what type of interview you are going to face? Is it a case study-based interview? Competency based interview? Any group discussion type interview etc. For a better clarification lets see what are the different types of job interview is there?

The interviewers can arrange different types of interview session, depending upon what the employers are looking forward to assess. The types are – 

Behavioural interview – BBI or Behaviour-Based-Interview takes place in order to assess the promptness of a candidate. E.g. – The candidate may ask that how did heshe handled any crisis situation in previous company? For a fresher the interviewer may give a situation to the candidate instant, which he/she has to solve or manage at the interview table. Thus, the interviewer will be able to assess your behavioral tendencies during any unwanted situation. And you need to combat that with job interview books

 Stress management interview – As the name is self-explanatory enough. Here you have to show how will you manage stress under extreme work pressure. E.g. – You have to release a payment voucher within a stipulated time and have to hand it over to the supplier, otherwise products will not be executed. At this very moment there is server down of the entire system. So how will you manage this stress and find an alternative? That should be your challenge. 

 Structured interviews -  are those kind of interview, where your soft skills, communication skills, your body language etc. will be assessed. Along with your other qualities like – leadership, team work, resilience decisiveness etc. 

Group and panel interviews – Both these interviews are important.  In group interviews there are multiple candidates interviewed at the same time, whereas, in panel interview is just opposite of group. Here the candidate will be interviewed by multiple interviewers of the same organization. 

There are mock interview and exit interview too. In mock interview one gets the opportunity to practice for the real interview. Exit interview is just opposite to job interview. It will happen when you are supposed to leave a company. 

Conclusion: From the above discussion t can be said that, by taking guidance from job interview books, a candidate will have more clarity on interview types. Therefore, he/she can easily crack any types of interview. 


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